Unfortunately It seems that the game will not contain any new miniature but just some sprues of the current miniature line.
In the meantime I'll keep busy building my dungeon.
edit: more info on BoW! and on the official mantic website, check also Wayland Games for preorder the game
edit March 28th: first boxes are being delivered: it seems that the game box won't contain any square base, the miniatures are supposed to stay up just on their circular base

Edit: based on what Mantic said most likely this will be Dwarf King's Hold miniature's content:
- The dwarf shieldbreakers sprue

- The dwarf command sprue, it makes possible to build 5 dwarves with close combat weapon

- The skeleton sprue, it makes possible to build 10 skeleton, the skeleton dog/rat and a pile of bones (edit: it seems this sprue will be cast in white plastic)

- The skeleton catapult crew sprue, it makes possible to build 2 skeleton (edit: it seems this sprue will be cast in white plastic)

- The ravenant sprue, it makes possible to build 10 ravenant, the skeleton dog/rat and a pile of bones (edit: it seems this sprue will be cast in white plastic)

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