Monday, September 12, 2016

3D printed modular building [part 1]

The 3rd project we are working on (besides the dungeon and the space corridor) is the modular building!

The design principles are very similar to the what we did for the dungeon:

  • Based on 10x10cm tiles.
  • Everything can be interlocked without glue.
  • Some sort of generic style that could fit a fantasy wargame but also something modern. (I'm looking forward to use this stuff for Frostgrave but also TwD)
  • And also for this one the layout will be loosely based on the tiles of Zombicide Black plague (I'm starting with the stuff for the mission 1).
This is what I got so far, I'm looking forward to add some additional details very soon like internal stairs, a couple of alternative styles for door and windows, internal walls...

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