Monday, August 22, 2016

3D Printed Dungeon (part 4): Breaking the rules

Back when I started the design of the tiles I gave myself a couple of design principles in order to make something that looked consistent and that could be used in a modular way.

One of those principles was: "leave the external walls flat so you can stack easily different rooms together". Unfortunately for the new section I had to break this principle in order to make something that looks more interesting.

I probably said before that I'm using as guideline the tiles of Zombicide Black Plague, the idea will be to be able to play the different scenarios using a 3D dungeon (that I will use also for Massive Drakness and other games like Frostgrave) and for the moment I started working on the tiles of the scenario 0.

If you are familiar with that scenario there is a room marked 4V that has 4 cubic rooms on the sides and nothing in the middle, that would have looked very uninteresting if I was going to be true to the principle above!

So in order to spice things up I made a couple of new walls that have a broken column on the external side of the room.

Once they are put together facing each other they will provide some interesting pattern that is far better then a perfectly symmetric 4 way passage.

And this is everything else I have printed so far:

I'm planning to finish these two sections by the end of the month, then I will move to either the urban or the sci-fy project...

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