Thursday, April 21, 2016

Renedra's Castle Review: The Tower

Last week at Salute 2016 I was able to get my hand on the new plastic castle by Renedra, below you can find some details of the contents in the box:

  • It's made in hard plastic, it's not quite like the one used for the miniatures but very similar.
  • The castle is designed to be modular, the idea is that you can buy it piece by piece and then put it together (and maybe reconfigure it later...)
  • This product is more expensive than the "classic" GW Fortress... but the level of detail and the flexibility of the kit is way better.
  • The tower can be used either as tower (doh!) or as main gate for the castle.
  • This box has enough pieces to make a three tier tower with  BUT you can still buy more frames to make it taller. 
On the back of the box you can find the instructions (pretty straight forward stuff)

And these are the frames in the box (some of them can be purchased individually)...

2 x frame C, the portcullis can be used to build a castle gate. As you can see in the instructions above you are supposed to snap one of the wall and replace the:section in the middle with the portcullis.

2 x  frame B: these should be used to make the upper tier of the tower.

2 x  frame E: crenellations, some gargoyles and four torches to add some extra detail.

4 x frame A: these are used to make the tier in the middle. The flat tabs can be used to stack the floors easily.

2 x floor base: they are used to make the top floors.

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